Monday, October 7, 2013

In today's post, I want to talk about the differences between the aspx and cshtml page. The main difference between  the two is that aspx page is a server side dynamic page and the cshtml page is a Razor view engine page. The aspx page is subject to the page life cycle events that ASP.NET is known for. The cshtml pages work with a model data structure for the data to be edited or rendered in the page. Both aspx and cshtml page can use Controller and model as well as viewmodels.
When using an aspx page, the syntax for populating the fields of the model is with the <% and that for the cshtml is using the @Html. The @notation comes from the Razor engine.
The page life cycle events in the aspx allows for fine grained control of the server page and controls. This means that some of the controls can process their states independently and leads to organization of code based on controls on the page. The cshtml page can also organize based on partial and full pages. However each view is associated with a viewmodel or model.
The Razor syntax enables the HTML generation with terse code. This is a view engine. This is more suited for stateless http requests and responses.
The web forms on the other hand enable state to be maintained between requests.
In terms of testing, it is easier to test cshtml rather than aspx because the view is separated from the ther concerns.
Similarly, the idea of the code behind occurs only in the aspx pages where the logic is moved out from the view declaration. However it is still a tightly coupled architecture and requires integrated testing for the pages to work correctly. The has often been troublesome.
The aspx page and the cshtml page can both include client side scripts and content however the aspx pages clutter the view with almost duplicate server side controls and notation as opposed to cshtml which is cleaner in the sense that it has only HTML5 notation. Much of this is evident in the absence of any server side controls in cshtml.
Similarly, the aspx page allows writing custom controls and logic that add to the variety and complexity of the view whereas with the separation of model and view and HTML only syntax the cshtml is far more clean.
Lastly, there is a convenience to store and render state with aspx that is unparalleled in cshtml. If anything the state can be consolidated across application instance and with web farms. This is done via models and model state in cshtml to some degree .

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