Sunday, December 8, 2013

Selenium is a web based suite of tools for browser automation.
It requires 2 jar files such as selenium-server.jar and selenium-java-client-driver.jar
Maven can be used to include the required jar file. We can then import the Maven project into our IDE such as Eclipse. To use maven, we define a pom.xml file.
We define a page object that can the test cases target. This page object changes only when the page changes. Many test cases can target the same page. The page object uses the WebDriver to test the page.  The page objects can be written to extend a generic base page object.
The controls on the page are referred to with WebElement. These can take input and this is how the tests can drive the testing. To look for inputs in a given page, we can rely on the driver's findElement method. This will recursively traverse the controls in the document tree to find the element. You can also specify XPath to find the control. The WebElements can be found by ID and this is the most efficient and preferred way or by class name which is the attribute on the DOM element. Other means of finding the elements include by name, by tag name which is the DOM tag name of the element, by link text or partial link text and CSS or Javascript.
The Selenium-WebDriver makes direct calls to the browser using each browser's native support for automation. Unlike the older Selenium-RC which used to inject the Javascript code, the webdriver drives the browser directly using the browser's built in support for automation.
The selenium server helps in the following ways:
1) It distributes the tests over multiple machines or virtual machines
2) It connects to a remote machine that has a particular browser version
3) It helps to use the HtmlUnitDriver instead of the Java bindings for each language.
As with all user interface automation, tests may require to wait for a few seconds for the page or the controls to load. This has often caused reliability issues for the tests
As with most web pages, Tests may have to target international sites.
Each browser maintains some support for automation
Cross browser compatibility is one of the primary concerns for writing tests.
This is where the WebDriver helps.

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