Saturday, May 17, 2014

A look at win32 virtual address for a process and its creation.
Lets begin by reviewing the steps involved in creating a process using a call such as CreateProcess()
First the image file (.exe) to be executed is loaded inside the creating process (caller)
Second the executive process object is created.
Third the initial thread (stack, context and executive thread object) is created
Then the Wn32 subsystem is notified of the new process so that it can set up for the new process and thread.
Then the calling process can start execution of the initial thread (unless the Create Suspended flag was specified) and return
 In the context of the new process and thread, the initialization of the address space is completed ( such as the load of the required DLLs) and then the execution at the entry point to the image is started. ( main subroutine )
Its probably relevant to mention here that in the first stage of loading the image, we find out what kind of application it is. If it's a Win32 application, it can be executed directly. If it's a OS/x we run the OSx.exe. If its POSIX we run the Posix.exe and if its MSDOS we run the MS-DOS directly.
In the second stage, we create the executive process object.  This involves the following substages:
Setting up the EPROCESS block
Creating the initial process address space
Creating the kernel process block
Concluding the setup of the process address space
Setting up the PEB
and completing the setup of the executive process object.
In the substages above, the one involving the creation of the initial Process Address Space will consist of three pages:
the Page directory
the Hyperspace page and
the Working set list
In the sixth stage which perform process initialization in the context of the new process, the image begins execution in user mode. This is done by creating a trap frame that specifies the previous mode as a user and the address to return to as the main entry point of the image. Thus, when the the trap that causes the thread to start execution in kernel mode is dismissed, it begins execution in user mode at the entry point.
Inside the x86 process virtual address space starting from low to high memory, the kernel portion at the high memory consists of HAL usage sections, crash dump information, nonpaged pool expansion, system PTEs, paged pool, system cache, system working set list, etc. The user mode consists of hyperspace and process working set list, page tables and page directory, system PTEs, mapped views and system code.  The kernel and the user mode addresses are separated by unused areas. In Linux, we have a memory mapped region in this space. The kernel space is reserved in the higher memory. The stack grows downwards adjacent to kernel space. The heap grows upwards from the user space.
Note that the instruction set is static and so we have
    if (pFunc->get_addressSection ( &seg ) == S_OK &&
        pFunc->get_addressOffset ( &offset ) == S_OK)
        pFunc->get_length ( &length );
        pSession->findLinesByAddr( seg, offset, static_cast<DWORD>( length ), &pEnum );
IDiaSymbol* pFunc;
pSession->findSymbolByAddr( isect, offset, SymTagFunction, &pFunc ); 

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