Saturday, May 3, 2014

Some notes on the book on C++.
A user defined allocator can have chunk of memory to allocate or deallocate from. The class called Pool has methods for alloc and free. Its destructor deletes all the chunks . The method for grow allocates a new chunk and organizes it as a linked list of elements.
AutoPointers support the resource acquisition is initialization technique. An auto-pointer is initialized by a pointer and can be dereferenced in the way that a pointer can. The object pointed to will be implicitly deleted at the end of the auto_ptr scope.
auto_ptr<Shape> p (new Rectangle(p1, p2));
Copy Constructor and assignment operator can be kept private for the most part.
class X {
X (SomeType);
X( const X&);
X& operator= (const X&);

class X {
 // members with implicit this pointer
 X* operator& ();
X operator&(X);
X operator ++ (int);
X operator&(X,X);
X operator / ();

Template specializations : the specialization (  argument list match ) proceeds one after the other
The order is as follows:
template <class T> class Vector; // general
template <class T> class Vector<T*>; // specialized for any pointer
template <> class Vector<void*>;

Function templates
template<class T> void sort(vector<T> & v);

Sequences and containers
list<int>::iterator p = find(li.begin(), li.end(), 42);

Standard containers :
<vector> single dimensional array : methods size(), operator [], at(), front(), back()
<list> doubly linked list iterator, reverse_iterator methods: insert(), erase(), clear()
<deque> doubly ended queue : methods : empty(), front(), back(), push(), pop()
<stack>  : methods push_back(), pop_back() on Stack
<map> associative array of T
<set> set of T
<bitset> array of booleans
 size(), capacity() and reserve() the latter two are for vectors
push_back(), pop_back(), push_front() and pop_front()
priority_queue : methods top()

template<class T> size_t Hash<T>::operator()(const T& key) const
size_t res = 0;
size_t len = sizeof(T);
const char * p = reinterpret_cast<const char*> (&key);
while ( len--)  res = (res << 1) ^ *p++;
return res;

We now look at the Streams and strings.
Streams include fstream and stringstream derived from iostream. iostream derives from i stream and ostream.  Stream methods include open and close
string methods include compare, insert,  append, concatenation (+) find,  replace, and substr(). The size and capacity are similar to vector

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