Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Today we will be reviewing the Atom web standards. There is the Atom publishing format and the Atom syndication format. The latter is the XML language used to describe the Atom feeds. The former is the HTTP based protocol for creating and updating the web resources.Web feeds follow a publisher subscriber model. A web feed provider is usually a site owner that publishes resources in say xml format. Subscribers then use feed readers to view their content. Browsers typically support feed readers. One usage is say when bloggers keep track of each others posts via Atom feeds.
A feed can contain both data and metadata. It has  labeled content. It is usually timestamped to communicate the information on when it was created/updated. Each text element can be internationalized using xml:lang  The Atom format came after the RSS format which was struggling with backward compatibility. While RSS is still used by Apple and iTunes, the Atom format has been adopted widely by Google.
To provide a link to an Atom feed, we use the following in HTML:
<link href="atom.xml" type="application/atom+xml" rel="alternate" title="feedtitle" />
The feed is specified as  <feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2014/Atom"><metadata/><data/></feed>
.Net MVC webservers allow RSSResult ActionResult to be cached with an expiration time because it is just a file.
The iCalendar format is different from Atom in that it specifies a meeting request and tasks for sharing with a file and an extension named .ics. The content is specified in begin and end tags with the top level being vcalendar. The items are listed in key:value pairs and form a succint description of the meeting. It has syntax to specify the event/journal/free/busy time.
Flair is a javascript based application framework for Adobes AIR html+ajax SDK. Its an acronym for Framework Leveraged AIR. It can be used to specify a list of items say for example based on source ip of request as gathered from the request headers HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR and REMOTE_ADDR

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