Thursday, October 23, 2014


Putting optimization technique to applications

Let us write a program to layout users and their resources. So there may be many users sharing many resources. Due to the nature of the problem we could  have users and resources as two parallel rows and connect them with crosses. But let us also add some constraint, each user is matched with one share. Let us label them both with the same name. However their order is not necessarily the same. First let us connect the users to their resources with little or no intersecting lines. Then we overlay the many to many problem.

When connecting the users to the resources on a one-to-one basis and keeping them from crossing each other, one technique to avoid the crossing would be to see that the pairing between users and resource progress incrementally and we skip over those that aren't. To do so, we keep one of them ordered and then compare the other. Let us do this by sorting the set based on users first.
Let us say there are n users. We initialize the longest incremental subsequence (aka lis) to one for each of these users.
Then  starting from the second to the last user, for each one, we start iterating over all the previous users to see which one will increase our count of incremental subsequences and choose the maximum.
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
   for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
     if ( users[j].resource < users[i].resource  // we have an incremental pair
                  && lis[i] < lis[j] + 1)
                         lis[i] = lis[j] + 1;
return lis.max();

When connecting many users and resources, we take the users and resources to be the nodes of the graph with existing edges that we have drawn and then draw the remaining edges based on the simulated annealing approach discussed earlier.

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