Monday, October 27, 2014

In today's post I want to discuss a topic different from the previous few posts and perhaps one time only.
This is the support for windows file system like ACLs using row level security in database
Let us say resources are saved in a table where we want to specify an access control list for this resource so that it can be validated against policies for different access. We will leave out the case where the resources can be hierarchical.
In this case, we want to add a column to the resource that describes this control. It could be a user name or it could be a label or a foreign key to a set of markings that represent the sensitivity or the permissions of the data.
Keeping track of usernames, for example, is helpful in the case where all accesses are directly isolated per user. In other words users don't have to share the ownership of the folders and that their accesses are essentially to manage the lifetime of their folders
We can also create a label for each resource if we know that the labels are distinct and symbolic.  In most cases where the operations are predefined but their actors are not, we can use different labels. For example, we can say whether the resource is read-only or read-write.
However users and their access are both dynamic and they can be hierarchical. In this case, hierarchical means that entries can inherit top down or gain incremental privileges bottom up. In addition, a user may grant or revoke permission, take ownership. etc.
In such a case, its better to view the labels as an output resulting from a schema of categories and markings.
The categories and markings are predefined in a system. The categories represent a domain  of markings. This can be a classification that is hierarchical or compartment that are distinct, they can be one-to-one or zero-to-many in how many values can be applied, and may have a comparison rule - such as any or all.  The markings are the compartment or classification values we would like to division the resources in. Resources can belong to one or more of these. They can have a name.
A particular combination of markings could translate to a unique label for the resource. Usually this table is populated on demand by say a stored procedure. If there is no corresponding row to the combination of markings, then a new row is added and a unique ID is returned as the label.
We join the label and marking in a LabelMarking table to facilitate the translation of the labels.
Having described row level security, let us now look at populating it for file system ACLs.
Here we begin by listing markings such as full control, modify, readwrite, read, read and execute. A combination of these markings can make up a permission  ( we select those that are granted)

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