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We review some of the tools and technologies in the stack used by DevOps Engineers. These include the following:
- 1) Linux - This operating system is favored both because of its composability and flavors as well as the support from vendors. Today Ubuntu, Debian and Linux are used in many opensource development. Virtual Machines ship with this operating system as base for almost all end users.
- 2) Apache – This is a web server that has made it easy to serve applications. For a long time, LAMP (or Linux Apache MySql Python ) was considered the base for most web development.
- 3) MySQL- is a database server. Although its been a staple, its popularity among dev ops engineer grew on integration with python.
- 4) ZooKeeper - This is a software from Apache meant to aid the configuration, synchronization and naming of large distributed systems.
- 5) HDFS - is a distributed file system meant to run on thousand of nodes using commodity servers. It tolerates hardware failures and is oriented for batch processing. It provides high throughtput and streaming data access.
- 6) HBase - is the NoSQL database typically used when hashing is more important than indexing.It's fault tolerant, flexible and supports near realtime lookups.
- 7) Storm is yet another Apache free and open source software. It is used for distributed realtime computations because it processes streams of data that can be unbounded.
- 8) Kafka This is also an Apache software and is used for publish-subscribe messaging. It can handle hundreds of megabytes of read and writes per second
- 9) Spark - is used for large scale data processing and is another software from Apache. It can combine SQL, streaming and complex analytics.
- 10) Oozie - is a workflow scheduler for Hadoop. It can manage Apache Hadoop jobs. It is essentially a Directed Acyclic Graph of jobs.
- 11) Cassandra is a database server and often used when deploying to datacenters. It also supports column indexes.
- 12) OpenTSDB is a scalable time series database that's very helpful to record events as they flow into the system and for searching later. It runs on Hadoop and HBase.
- 13) NginX is another web server and helpful for high traffic websites. It comes with HTTP server, HTTP proxy and a load balancer.
- 14) Etcd is similar to zookeeper in that it is used for configuring and service discovery. Its considered to have high availability.
- 15) Puppet is also a configuration management utility but is considered more popular for interoperability between Windows and Unix flavors.
- 16) Mesos enables abstraction of CPU, memory and storage and runs on different machines which can be used for resource management and scheduling with its APIs.
- 17) Marathon - is a cluster wide initialization and control system for services that are deployed in containers such as Docker.
- 18) Docker - provides container technologies so that applications can be build, shipped and run. Dockerized applications are considered to be portable.
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