Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Today we will discuss AWS Security as read from the slides of James Bromberger at AWS Summit. In this he describes not only the security considerations for users of AWS but also what AWS undertakes. He says that their primary concern is compliance while the audiences' is account management, service isolation, visibility and auditing.  AWS concerns itself with securing the physical assets such as facilities, infrastructure, network, and virtualization. The customer secures the operating system, application, security groups, OS Firewall, Network configuration and Account management. AWS compliance is actually available for everyone to see on their website. It showcases certifications and approving industry organizations. On the other hand customers have primarily been interested in securing accounts - which in a way are the keys to the kingdom. Identity and Access Management consequently enable users and groups, unique security credentials, temporary security credentials, policies and permissions, roles as well as multi-factor authentication (MFA). Recommendations for account security involve : securing our master account with MFA, creating an IAM group for our Admin team, creating IAM users for our Admin staff as members of our Admin group and even turning on MFA for these users. Enhanced password management with expiry, reuse check, and change on next log in is also available.
Next we look at temporary credentials. These are used for running an application. We remove hardcoded credentials from scripts and config files, create an IAM role and assign restricted policy, then we launch the instance into a role. AWS SDKs transparently get temporary credentials.
IAM policies are applied with the least privilege policies. This means the resources will be qualified and the actions will be incremental in privileges granted. Policies can have conditions which can restrict access even further and this is good. AWS has a policy generator tool which can generate policies but there;s even a policy simulator tool that can be used to test it.
Another set of credentials we use is the access key and secret key These are used to sign requests. and to make API calls. They are generally issued once and the next time a new set is reissued.SSL is required for all traffic because data is exchanged and we want it to be encrypted. Even database connections and data transfers over them are to be encrypted.
In addition, AWS provides server side encryption using AES 256 bit that is transparent to customers. Keys are generated, encrypted and then stored using a master key. and the generated key is used to encrypt data. 

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