Friday, April 10, 2015

Today we continue reading the paper on the design of streaming proxy systems.
 We discussed the uniform and exponentially segmented media objects.
 We talked about prefetching and minimum buffer size for such media. The minimum buffer size ensures low resource usage. The pre-fetching gives the scheduling point. It doesn't mean that the jitter can be avoided in all cases. The uniformly segmented media object has an advantage over the exponentially segmented object. It enables in-time prefetching which can begin at a later stage. Even so, continuous media streaming has not been guaranteed. One suggestion might be to keep enough segments cached. this leads us to define a prefetching length as the minimum length of the data that must be cached in the proxy in order to guarantee the continuous delivery when Bs  > Bt.  Prefetching is not necessary when Bs < Bt. Bs is the encoding rate and Bt is the network bandwidth averages respectively. Prefetching length aggregates cached segment length without breaks. Therefore we calculate the number of segments m for continuous delivery. In the case of uniform segmented media objects each segment length is the same. In the case of the exponentially segmented media objects, each cached segment length is twice that of the previous. We review the tradeoff between low proxy jitter and high byte ration and then they byte-hit ratio versus the delayed startup ratio.

GetEvenNumberRangeSumCubeRootPowerFourteen) (Double [] A)


if (A == null) return 0;

Return A.EvenNumberSumCubeRootPowerFourteen();

We will take a short break now.

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