Sunday, April 26, 2015

Today we take a break to cover go language.  This is an opensource programming language and works on Linux, Mac, Windows and more. Code is brief and explains itself succinctly. Code is organized into packages. Functions, types, constants and variables have to be exported from a package before being used with their package qualifiers.
In Go code, errors are values, checked with if err != nil syntax.
As an example, token, err := scanner.Scan()
if (err != nil) {
        return err;
Multivalue return from functions are common. Most library code have one or two checks only per file. Types keep the data, operation and error together. So there is no need for callers to check after each call to a type. They can multiple calls and assume that an error would have triggered subsequent calls to fail.
Code is automatically organized into bin, pkg, src and referenced via paths.
Testing is available via lightweight test framework that exposes syntax such as a func ( t *testing.T). The tests call a failure function such as t.Error or t.Fail and the test functions themselves are named TestFooBar etc.
Formatting follows simple C like syntax. with fmt.Printf statements or log.Println
Interfaces are named with a convention where they end with an -er after their primary behaviour.
Allocation primitives are new and make.  new does not initialize memory it only returns a zero valued address A zero value for a mutex is an unlocked mutex. A zero value of the Buffer means its empty and ready to use. Consequently those types with buffers and mutexes are initialized by the same new.
make creates slices, maps and channels only and it returns an initialized not zeroed value of type and so references to data structures must be initialized separately.
Data is represented as Arrays, slices and maps. Arrays and slices are one dimensional. Slices can be of variable lengths. Maps associate values of one type with that of another type.
Methods can be defined for any named types except pointers or interfaces and the receiver doesn't have to be a struct

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