Saturday, July 11, 2015

Today we discuss a book review summary of the book  "How the World sees you" by Sally Hogshead with the motto - Discover your highest value through the science of fascination
There is power in understanding how the world sees you : you appear confident, authentic and ready to make a positive impression. This book gives a step by step method to describe yourself in one or two words which then becomes your tag. This book helps you with some of the terms. Your slogan helps you  in all walks of life from writing that self-introduction on a new job to pitching your profile on LinkedIn.
This book differs from some self-improvement books in that it does not ask you to change but to be more of who you are. It should help you better relationships and grow your business.
This book focuses on the seven fascination advantages and its discussion.
When we are born, we are automatically fascinating to the world with our gestures but over time we acquire layers of what makes us boring. For example, you don't want to stand out with your ideas or present them as insipid as possible to avoid attracting criticism. We want to become unnoticed when we want to avoid being seen as unworthy. However hiding works temporarily and usually backfires. Sometimes we feel we don't have anything noteworthy but that only dulls our edges.
As conversations become compressed in a more crowded marketplace, you need to know your strength and your differences. We need to know our values and the highest distinct value.
Likability and leadership are improved with fascination advantages. With such an advantage, when you talk, people will listen and remember you and even anticipate your messages.
One example of why this is important is given by the experiment of Joshua Bell. As a famous violinist, he could command a lot of money for his skills. When he agreed to participate in an arranged experiment to play in a subway station, the throng passed by in their rush. This tells us that no matter how good we are, we need to do more to fascinate others in a highly demanding environment.
There are three deadly threats in a competitive environment:
Distraction - that threatens the connection with others. Typically a listener only gives the first nine seconds You have to add value in that golden window
Competition  - which threatens your ability to differentiate and win. Customers want to try out something different. And you are already different.
Commoditization - which threatens your relationships and loyalty. This can seep into your relationships and erode your connections to the point of being replaced.
You can triumph by adding distinct value: This makes yobyu become admired for a noteworthy ability and for being worth more than you are being paid. You deliver more than you would normally be expected. You become preferred even if you are more expensive or less convenient.
Highest Distinct Value has a meaning in each word.You discover it by recollecting what it means to be in fascination. Its the state of being completely engaged mentally, emotionally and physically.
The Art of Fascination comes with the triumph of adding distinct value over the threats of distraction, competition and commoditization.  The key here is to fully recognize your differences rather than just the strengths. When you communicate, you are either adding value or taking up space. That's why those "Touchpoints" are important. Every touch point should highlight why you are different and better. Maximize value and subtract everything else.
The  Seven Fascination Advantages are
1) the power advantage - leading through authority where the power personalities speak the language of confidence. You will take charge of the conversation because you are decisive and self-assured.
2) the passion advantage - you create warm emotional connections. You are approachable and gregarious. Use reassuring terms such as "you bet"
3) the mystique advantage - This is about thinking before speaking. Mystique personalities speak the language of listening. You see nuances and you think things through.
4) the prestige advantage - Achieving success with higher standards You should speak the language of excellence
5) the alert advantage - You use careful precision. You speak details where it matters. They are risk averse.
6) the innovation advantage - You speak the language of creativity. You propose unexpected solutions or come up with a profusion of ideas.
7) the trust advantage - you pay attention to building loyalty over time.
At this point you should list your advantages as primary + secondary to articulate your highest distinct value.

Given a binary tree implement an iterator that will iterate through its elements.
public interface ITreeEnumerator
 bool MoveNext();
 void Reset();

public class TreeEnum: ITreeEnumerator
   Stack<Node> inorder = new Stack<Node>();
   Node current = null;
   Node root = null;
   public TreeEnum(TreeNode n){
       root = n;
   private void Traverse() {
      current = inorder.pop();
   public void Leftmost(Node n){
     while (n != null) {
              n = n.left;
  public bool MoveNext() {
      if (inorder.IsEmpty() == False) {
          return true;
      return false;
 public void Reset() {
   if (root){

Implementation of partition method in quicksilver
int partition ( ref int [] A, int start, int end){
Int I = start - 1;
Int r = end - 1;
For ( int j = start; j < r; j++)
    If ( A [ j ] < =A [r] ) {
         i = i + 1;
         Swap ( A[i] , A [j] );
   Swap (A [i+1], A [r]);
return i + 1;

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