Data architectures in Cloud Computing.
Traditional data processing architecture has changed a lot from where they used to be part of the ubiquitous three tier architecture involving databases, to being more distributed, scaled up and scaled out, sharded and hosted on private and public clouds, maintained on clusters and containers with shared volumes, hosted in memory and even becoming hybrid to involve SQL and NoSQL technologies. We describe some of these evolutions in this article.
There are some trends with data that are undeniably and renowned as motivating this evolution. First, data sets are sticky. They are costly to acquire, transfer and use in a new location. This also meant that innovation will be increasingly accomplished by end users rather than an expert provider. Consequently the ecosystem has been changing. Second, data is growing rapidly. The order of scale has increased from GigaBytes to TeraBytes to PetaBytes and so on. The data is increasingly being gathered from numerous sensors, logs and networks. More commonly, database administrators find that their mysql database starts becoming slower and slower even with master slave replication, adding more RAM, sharding, denormalization and other SQL tuning techniques.
Therefore architects often choose to spread out their options as data grows and is still manageable and portable at that stage. They get rid of joins and denormalize beforehand, they switch to data stores that can scale such as MongoDB and have applications and services take more compute than storage. As data grows, scalability concerns grow. This is where Big Data comes in. Initially much of the growth in data was exclusively for analytics purposes so Big Data became synonymous with MapReduce kind of computing. However that begins to change when there are more usages of the data. For example, SQL statements are used to work with the data and SQL connectors are used to bridge relational and NoSQL stores. NoSQL is usually supported on a distributed file system with key-values as columns in a column family. The charm of using such system is that it can scale horizontally with the addition of commodity hardware but it does not support the guarantees that a relational store comes with. This calls for a mixed model in many cases.
Usages have also driven other expressions of the databases. For example, distributed databases in the form of matrix were adopted to grow to large data sets and high volume computations. Separation of data into tables, blobs and queues enabled it to be hosted in much smaller granularity on public and private clouds. When the data could not be broken down such as with Master Data catalogs of a retail store, it was served with its own stack of web services in a tiered architecture that decoupled the dependency on the original large volume data store. Adoption of clusters in various forms other than for Big Data and file systems such as abstraction of Operation System resources enabled smaller databases to be migrated to clusters from dedicated servers.
static List<String> GenerateEmailAliases(String firstname, String lastname)
var ret = new List<String>();
for(int i = 0; i < firstname.Length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < lastname.Length; j++)
var alias = firstname.Substring(0, i + 1) + lastname.Substring(0, j + 1);
return ret;
return (( x != 0) && ((x & (x-1)) == 0);
// reverse a linkedlist in groups of k
static Node Reverse(int k, ref Node root)
Node current = root;
Node next = null;
Node prev = null;
int count = 0;
while (current != null && count < k)
next =; = prev;
prev = current;
current = next;
if (root != null) = Reverse(k, ref next);
return prev;
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