Wednesday, June 7, 2017

We talked about the overall design of an online shopping store that can scale starting with our post here. Then we proceeded to discussing data infrastructure and data security in a system design case in previous posts. We started looking at a very specialized but increasingly popular analytics framework and Big Data to use with data sources. For example, Spark and Hadoop can be offered as a fully managed cloud offering. we continued looking at some more specialized infrastructure including dedicated private cloud. Then we added  serverless computing to the mix. Today we continue the discussion.
Applications have evolved with cloud computing. What used to be monolithic and deployed on mere separation between Application dedicated virtual machines and database dedicated storage, was made more modular and separate into deep vertical partitions with their own operating systems. With twelve factor applications, it was easier to take advantage of containers. This worked well with platform as a service and docker containers. It is possible however to go further towards decomposing the application modules into compute and data access intensive functions that can be offloaded into its own containers with both function as a service and backend as a service.  The ease of modifications is very appealing when we look at individual functions packaged in a container by itself.  Both public clouds currently support this form of computing. AWS Lambda and Azure Functions can be executed in response to events at any scale.
There are a few tradeoffs in the serverless computing that may be taken into perspective. First, we introduce latency in the system because the functions don't execute local to the application and require setup and teardown routines during invocations.Moreoever, debugging of serverless computing functions is harder to perform because the functions are responding to more than one applications and the callstack is not available or may have to be put together by looking at different compute resources. The same goes for monitoring as well because we now rely on separate systems. We can contrast this with applications that are hosted with load balancer services to improve availability. The services registered for load balancing is the same code on every partition. The callstack is coherent even if it is on different servers. Moreover, these share the same persistence even if the entire database server is also hosted on say Marathon with the storage on a shared volume. The ability of Marathon to bring up instances as appropriate along with the health checks improves the availability of the application. The choice of using platform as a service or a marathon cluster based deployment or serverless computing depends on the application.
Given a preorder traversal of a BST, find the inorder traversal
List<int> GetInOrderFromPreOrder(List<int> A)
if (A == null) return A;
return A.sort();
int power(uint base, uint exp)
int result = 1;
if (exp == 0) return result;
for (int i = 0; i < exp; i++)
      result = result * base;
return result;
int power(unit base, uint exp)
int result = 1;
while (exp> 0)
 if (exp & 1)
      result = result * base;
 base = base * base;
 exp == exp >> 1; 
return result;

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