Thursday, September 7, 2017

Today we continue reviewing Bing Maps API
These APIs include map control and services that can be used to make maps part of your application. These APIs are an authoritative source for geospatial features. They offer static and interactive maps, geocoding, route and traffic data.Any spatial data such as store locations can be queried and stored with these APIs. Typically an account and a key is needed to use the APIs. The key is used as a license to utilize their services. They are classified as used for public website, private website and enterprise assets.
The Bing Maps dev center provides account management functionality. An account is needed to cut a key and to manage data sources..
The API options from Bing Maps platform can be listed as follows: 
1) The V8 Web Control: This is one of the most universal mapping control available on Bing Maps platform with support for almost every type of browser and web application.
2) The Windows 10 universal platform that helps us build map apps for a variety of windows devices
3) The Windows Presentation Foundation that enables rich user experience on desktop applications including touch controls
4) The REST based services that facilitate tasks such as geocoding, reverse geocoding, routing and static imagery
5) The spatial data services that offer three key functionalities batch geocoding, point of interest data and the ability to store and expose spatial data. Imagine the geographical data columns added to almost all points of interest on the world map.
6) The developer resources such as documentation on APIs and SDKs.

Rearrange the characters of a string such that the adjacent characters are not same.
Solution: Any data structure that can store the different alphabets and their frequencies can help here. if the alphabets could be ordered based on the decreasing order of frequencies, it will help. Consequently a priority queue or heap might help
Build a priority queue of letters and their counts
Take the most occuring letter write it down decrement its count and temporarily remove it until next iteration completes
Repeat as above and if there is no alphabet that can be written without violation, return as invalid input. If it can be written, add back the skip level alphabet and its count to the priority queue

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