Monday, September 25, 2017

Today we start reviewing the whitepaper - the chutes and ladders of customer identity from Gigya which is a leader in Customer Identity and Access Management Industry. The title uses an analogy of a well-known game. This is a whitepaper that introduces the delights and the pitfalls in customer experience with identity. The narration is about an online store with the recognition that many of the points mentioned in the white paper apply equally well for other businesses. Most customers start out on an online store as an unknown visitor.  Businesses rely on sending the right message to the right person at the right time and through the right channels. This multi-channel marketing is a ladder in customer experience. Since they start out from a variety of devices and applications, it is difficult to know what they want. Identity and preferences help mitigate this barrier. Some examples of their interactions that are either annoying and frustrating or enjoyable and satisfying are mentioned here.  A customer may buy a pair of jeans a few weeks earlier but may continue to see unwanted ads for the same jeans all over the internet. On the other other hand, the same customer may see recommendations for other items that pair well with the jeans that is much like a personal fashion consultant.  Another example is that of subscription to the newsletters from the online store that become difficult to manage. On the other hand, a crisp and clear infrequent newsletter may give relevant information and improve the experience. Similarly, when the user switches devices, he may lose the settings he had made earlier.  On the other hand, his login may be integrated with social networking apps and the settings become part of public profile to easily follow the user between apps and devices. Therefore there is a trade-off in the customer touchpoints that cam attract or spurn the customer. If the business were to capture information about the user as early as possible and in small pieces, a relationship can be established based on the users preferences. This approach is known as "progressive identity".  It offers promotions, coupons or newsletters to the customer without requiring full registration. It obtains consent from the customer throughout their life-cycle. It enables convenient and centralized profile and preference management. This progressive identity is the notion that a customer is not a boolean known or unknown for a store but an accumulation of transparent and engaging experiences. Customer tracking is required to personalize the customer's experience but instead of displaying all the terms upfront, if it can be managed as the customer progresses on the website, it can improve the experience. A lightweight registration such as an email address in exchange for a valuable and personalized content  will be preferred by the customer. The customer will be enticed from the content to sign up for a full account. The easier we make this registration and the more augmented the authentication methods, the better the customer experience.
Convert a BST to min heap
Traverse the BST in InOrder to get a sorted list
Heapify the sorted list, say one-based, using
the left of an element at index i-1 in the sorted list is at 2i th index if that index is within range
the right of an element at index i-1 in the sorted list is at 2i+1 th index if that index is within range

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