Monday, November 26, 2018

Today we continue discussing the best practice from storage engineering:
Conformance to verbs:  Service oriented architecture framework of providing web services defined contract and behavior in addition to address and binding for services but the general shift in the industry has been towards RESTful services from that architecture. This paradigm introduces well known verbs for operations permitted. Storage products that provide RESTful services must conform to the well-defined mapping of verbs to create-update-delete operations on their resources.

101) Storage products tend to form a large code base which significantly hurts developer productivity when build time takes more than a few minutes. Consequently code base may need to be constantly refactored or the build needs to be completed with more workers, memory and profiling.

102) Profiling is not limited to build time. Like the performance counters mentioned earlier, there is  a way to build instrumented code so that bottlenecks may be identified. Like build profiling, this has to be repeated and trends need to be monitored.

103) Stress testing the storage product also helps gain valuable insights into whether the product’s performance changes over time. This covers everything from memory leak to resource starvation.

104) Diagnostic tools and scripts including log queries that are used to troubleshoot during development time also become useful artifacts to share with the developer community for the storage product. Even if the storage product is used mostly for archival, there is value in sharing these and documentation with the community

105) Older versions of the storage product may have had to be diagnosed with scripts and log queries but bringing them into the product in its current version as diagnostic API makes it mainstream. Documentation for these and other APIs make it easier on the developer community.

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