Sunday, November 25, 2018

Today we continue discussing the best practice from storage engineering:
95) Reconfiguration: Most storage products are subject to some pools of available resources managed by some policies that can change from time to time. Whenever the server resources are changed, they must be done in one operation so that the system presents a consistent view to all usages going forward. Such a system wide is a reconfiguration and is often implemented across storage products.

96) Auto-tuning: This is the feedback loop cycle with which we allow the storage server/appliance/product to perform better because the dynamic parameters are adjusted to values that better suit the workload.

97) Acceptance: This is the user-defined level of service-level agreement for the APIs to the storage server so that they maintain satisfactory performance with the advantage that the clients can now communicate with a pre-existing contract.

98) Address: This defines how the storage is discovered by the clients. For example, if there were services, this would define how the service would be discovered. If it were a network share, this would define how the remote share would be mapped. While most storage products enable users to create their own address to their storage artifacts, not every storage product provides a gateway to those addresses.

99) Binding: A binding protocol defines the transport protocol, encoding and security requirements before the data transfer can be initiated. Although storage products concern themselves with data at rest, they must provide ways to secure data in transit.

Conformance to verbs:  Service oriented architecture framework of providing web services defined contract and behavior in addition to address and binding for services but the general shift in the industry has been towards RESTful services from that architecture. This paradigm introduces well known verbs for operations permitted. Storage products that provide RESTful services must conform to the well-defined mapping of verbs to create-update-delete operations on their resources.

int GetNodeWithLeavesEqualToThreshold(Node root, int threshold, ref List<Node> result)
if (root == null) return 0;
if (root.left == null && root.right == null) return 1;
int left = GetNodeWithLeavesEqualToThreshold (root.left, threshold, ref result);
int right = GetNodeWithLeavesEqualToThreshold (root.right, threshold, ref result);
if (left + right == threshold) {
return left + right;

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