Sunday, January 20, 2019

Today we continue discussing the best practice from storage engineering :

341) Emerging trends like Blockchain have no precedence for storage standards. A blockchain is a continuously growing list of records called blocks which are linked and secured using cryptography. Since it is resistant to tampering, it becomes an open distributed ledger to record transactions between two parties.
342) Blockchain is used for a variety of purposes. Civic for instance enables its users to login with their fingerprints. It uses a variety of smart contracts, an indigenous utility token and new software applications. A Merkel tree is used for attestation.
343) Storage servers to store such distributed ledgers is not standardized yet though any stream based store would help. Object Storage suitability for storage ids is not popular yet.
344) A Peer-to-Peer (P2P) network is popular In production storage, peer to peer networks were not popular as data because data accrues based on popularity not on utility.
345) A P2P network introduces a network first design where peers are autonomous agents and there is a protocol to enable them to negotiate contracts, transfer data, verify the integrity and availability of remote data and to reward with payments. It provides tools to enable all these interactions. Moreover, it enables the distribution of the storage of a file as shards on this network and these shards can bee stored using a distributed hash table. The shards themselves need not be stored in this hash table, rather a distributed network and messaging could facilitate it with location information.

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