Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Today we continue discussing the best practice from storage engineering:

383) Health data is not just sharded by customer but also maintained in isolated shared-nothing pockets with their own management systems. Integration of data to represent a whole for the same customer is the new and emerging trend in the health industry. Organizations and companies are looking to converge the data for an individual without losing privacy or failing to comply with government regulations.

384) Health data has numerous file types for the data captured from the patients. These could range from small text documents to large images. Unlike cluster file systems that consolidate data to a cluster, these data artifacts are scattered throughout repositories. In addition, there is a lot of logic to who can access what data leading to some bulky user interface for read and edit by providers, insurance, administrators and end users.

385) In addition to access over health data, agencies and providers frequently exchange health records which leads to a high traffic of data from all the data sources. Virtually no data is erased from the system and historical records going back several years are maintained. The accumulation of data records also has no chance to go to a warehouse because it is always active and online.

386) Retail industry has traditionally embraced mammoth sized databases and some even on large Storage Area Networks. Their embrace of databases and data warehouses have been banner use cases for online transaction processing and online analytical processing. Yet vectorized execution models are gaining ground in nascent retail companies where they want to wrap all purchases, rental payments and servicing fees as billing events that flow to processors. It is highly unlikely that they will switch to management and analytics solutions overnight that are based on key value stores or object stores.

387) Unlike health industry data stores, Retail industry data stores are all self contained homogenous and full service management systems. Writing a new service for retail industry merely points to other existing services as data stores or shared databases. Even store front devices such as point of sale registers point to queues which inevitably process their messages from back-end databases

388) While these industries may view data stores, queues, services and management systems as data sources, they did not have the opportunity until recently to consolidate their data sources with storage first design.


maximize the coin collection when two players take turns when picking out the coins from either end

Int GetCoins(List<int> coins, int i, int j)
int n = coins.count;
If (i >= j) return 0;
If (i==j) return coins[i];

If (j == i+1) return max(coins[i], coins[j]);
Return max(coins[i] + max(GetCoins(coins, i+2, j), GetCoins(coins, i+1,j-1)) ,
                      coins[j] + max(GetCoins(coins,i+1, j-1), GetCoins(coins,i,j-2)));

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