Thursday, September 19, 2019

Let us look at a few examples of applying audit data for the overall product. In all these cases, the audit dashboards validate the security and integrity of the data. The audit data must be forwarded and the data should not be tampered with.
The incident review audit dashboard provides an overview of the incidents associated with users. It displays how many incidents are associated with a specific user. The incidents may be selected based on different criteria such by status, by user or by kind or other forms of activity. Recent activities also help determine the relevance of the incidents.
The Suppression audit dashboard provides an overview of notable event suppression activity. This dashboard shows how many events are being suppressed, and by whom, so that notable event suppression can be audited and reported on. Suppression is just as important as an audit of access to resources.
The Per-Panel Filter Audit dashboard provides information about the filters currently in use in the deployment.
The Adaptive Response Action Center dashboard provides an overview of the response actions initiated by adaptive response actions, including notable event creation and risk scoring.
The Threat Intelligence Audit dashboard tracks and displays the current status of all threat and generic intelligence sources. As an analyst, you can review this dashboard to determine if threat and generic intelligence sources are current, and troubleshoot issues connecting to threat and generic intelligence sources.
The ES configuration health dashboard is used to compare the latest installed version of the product to prior releases and identity configuration anomalies. The dashboard can be made to review against specific past versions.
The Data model audit dashboard displays the information about the state of data model accelerations in the environment. Acceleration here refers to a speed up of data models that represent extremely large datasets where certain operations such as pivots become faster with the use of data-summary backed methods.
The connectors audit report on hosts forwarding data to the product. This audit is an example for all other components that participate in data handling
The data protection dashboard reports on the status of the data integrity controls.

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