Friday, April 17, 2020

Java versus Kotlin:
Both Kotlin and Java are statically typed language. Kotlin is newer with official release in 2016 as opposed to official release in 1995. Languages based on JVM can be compiled to JavaScript.  Kotlin requires a plugin and can work with existing Java stack.
Kotlin offers a number of advantages over Java. It is definitely terse and more readable. It overcomes Java’s limitations for null references that is controlled by the type system. The NullPointerExceptions can be eliminated for the most part from the language with the help of Kotlin with some exceptions for overt calls and data consistency. Kotlin provides a safe call operator denoted by ‘?.’ that accesses the member of an instance only when the instance is not null.
Kotlin is designed with Java interoperability and enables smooth calls to all methods and properties by following a convention that cuts down code. Since java objects can be null, all objects originating from Java are treated as platform types and all safety guarantees are the same as in Java. Annotations help with providing nullability information for type parameters.
Kotlin uses Array as invariants which prevent assigning of a typed array into another of projected type. Primitive type arrays are maintained without boxing overhead.
It uses a family of function types that have a special notation corresponding to the signatures of the functions involving parameters and return values such as (A, B) -> C. This notation also support a receiver type where an object receives the parameter passed in. There is also support for Suspending functions. Kotlin supports Single Abstract Method aka SAM conversions which are implemented as an interface with a single abstract method. Kotlin function literals can be automatically converted into implementations of Java interfaces with a single non-default method. This can be used to create instances of SAM interfaces.
Kotlin does not support checked exceptions. Many believe that checked exceptions lead to decreased productivity with no significant improvement to code quality. In fact, some call it an outright mistake.
The above comparison makes it equally easy to enumerate what Java has that Kotlin does not. These include checked exceptions, primitive types that are not classes, static members, non-private fields, wildcard types and ternary operator.
Kotline brings a ton of new features over Java such as Lambda expressions, extension functions, smart casts, String templates, primary constructors, first-class delegation, type inferences, singletons, range expressions, operator overloading, companion objects and coroutines.
Sample have implementation:!Ashlm-Nw-wnWrwRgdOFj3KLA0XSi

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