Saturday, April 18, 2020

Java versus Kotlin:
Kotlin brings a ton of new features over Java such as Lambda expressions, extension functions, smart casts, String templates, primary constructors, first-class delegation, type inferences, singletons, range expressions, operator overloading, companion objects and coroutines.
Lambda expressions are just like functions. Kotlin functions are first class which allow them to passed like parameters.  A function that receives such parameters is a higher order function. A Lambda function can be instantiated within a function literal. An anonymous function has no name.  Function types can be instantiated by callable reference.
The compiler can infer the function types for variables. A function type can be invoked the invoke operator. Inline functions provide flexible control.
Together lambda expressions and inline controls provide highly performant control structures. Next, even a class can be extended without having to inherit or using a decorator. This is done via extensions. The Extension functions are easy to spot with the ‘this’ parameter passed in. They are dispatched statically.
Kotlin also provide ‘is’ and ‘as’ operators for type checking and casts. The former operator allows us to check whether an object conforms to a given type.  The ‘as’ operator also called the infix operator, is seldom used and often used implicitly with the ‘is’ operator making the casts a whole lot smarter. The infix operator is most likely used in unsafe casts.
Type safety for generics can be enforced as compile time with Kotlin, while at runtime instances of the runtime holds no information. The compiler prohibits type conformance where type erasure may occur.
String literals are another useful feature for Kotlin. A String literal may contain template expression which involves a piece of code usually beginning with a dollar sign.

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