Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Repackaging and Refactoring continued

As the repackaging is drawn out, there will be interfaces and dependencies that will be exposed which were previously taken for granted. These provide an opportunity to be declared via tests that can ensure compatibility as the system changes. 
With the popularity of docker images, the application is more likely required to pull in the libraries for the configurable storage providers even before the container starts. This provides an opportunity for the application to try out various deployment modes with the new packaging and code.
One of the programmability appeals of deployment is the use of containers either directly on a container orchestration framework or on a platform that works with containers. These can test the usages of application against dependencies. The rest of the application can be tested best by running in standalone mode.
There are two factors that determine the ease and reliability of the rewrite of a component.
First, is the enumeration of dependencies and their interactions. For example, if the component is used  as a part of a collection or invoked as part of a stack, then the dependency and interactions are not called out and the component will be required to be present in each of the usages. On the other hand, loading if and calling it only when required separates out the dependency and interactions enabling more efficiency
Second, the component may be calling other components and requiring them for a part of all of its operations. If they can be scoped for their usages, then the component has the opportunity to reorganize some of the usages and streamline its dependencies. These outbound references when avoided improves the overall reliability of the component without any loss of compatibility between revisions.
The repackaging is inclusive of the movement of callers including tests so certain classes and methods may need to be made visible for testing which is preferable over duplication of code. There are some sages that will still need to be retained when they are used in a shared manner and those can be favored to be in their own containers.

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