Thursday, July 30, 2020

Support for small to large footprint introspection database and query

he REST API is a front for other tools and packages like command line interface and SDK which enable programmability for packaged queries of introspection store.  A SDK does away with the requirement on the client to make the REST calls directly. This is a best practice favored by many cloud providers who know their cloud computing capability will be called from a variety of clients and devices. A variety of programming languages can be used to provide the SDK which widens the client base. The SDKs are provided as a mere convenience so this could be something that the developer community might initiate and maintain. Another benefit to using the SDK is that now the API versioning and service maintenance onus is somewhat reduced as more customers use their language friendly SDK while the internal wire call compatibility may change. SDKs also support platform independent and interoperable programming which helps test and automation.
Similarly command line interface CLI also improves the customer base. Tests and automations can make use of commands and scripts to drive the service. This is a very powerful technique for administrators as well as for day to day usage by end users. Command line usage has one additional benefit - it can be used for troubleshooting and diagnostics. While SDKs provide an additional layer and are hosted on the client side, command line interface may be available on the server side and provide fewer variables to go wrong. With detailed logging and request-response capture CLI and SDK help ease the calls made to the services SDK so that clients don’t have to make the REST calls directly. This is a best practice favored by many cloud providers who know their cloud computing capability will be called from a variety of clients and devices. 
Similarly command line interface CLI also improve the customer base. Tests and automations can make use of commands and scripts to drive the service. This is a very powerful technique for administrators as well as for day to day usage by end users. Command line usage has one additional benefit - it can be used for troubleshooting and diagnostics. While SDKs provide an additional layer and are hosted on the client side, command line interface may be available on the server side and provide fewer variables to go wrong. With detailed logging and request-response capture CLI and SDK help ease the calls made to the services

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