Saturday, January 21, 2023

Some Lambda errors and resolutions:

1.       Lambda experiences timeout and provides no response:

Possibly this will help:

version: '3.9'





      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro

      - ./dist:/var/task:ro


      - 3000:3000

    command: sam local start-api --template stack.yaml --host --docker-network application --container-host host.docker.internal --warm-containers EAGER




    name: application

Essentially, the idea is to increase the timeout for all the large dependencies to load or          use a warm start.

2.       Runtime.HandlerNotFound: index.handler is undefined or not exported

One of the following remediation steps could help assuming that a function handler exists as entrypoint for Lambda:

1.       Module.exports  = handler

2.       Exports default handler;

3.       Ensure that the file with the handler is at the root level.

4.       The handler reference in the template has path qualification.

3.       And the handler does not like import statements in the NodeJscode

                                                               i.      Use require as preferred on the Javascript console

                                                             ii.      Use ES modules as preferred by the newer nodeJs runtime

4.       The size of the code exceeds 50MB.

                                                               i.      If the archive exceeds 50MB, upload it to S3

                                                             ii.      Separate the dependency into layers

                                                           iii.      Use a container image.

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