Thursday, January 19, 2023


Testing NodeJs applications and serverless functions:

A previous post described running the application locally as a way of testing the code without requiring it to be deployed anywhere remote from the development server. This write-up follows up on it with a test case.

One way to write unit-tests and integration tests is to use Jest. It’s testing framework with a name that goes with its approach to be delightfully simple. It works on all forms of JavaScript and TypeScript such as Node, React, Angular and others.

A sample Jest unit script might look like this:


// Mock uuid

const uuidvalue = 'f8216640-91a2-11eb-8ab9-57aa454facef'

jest.mock('uuid', () => ({ v1: () =>  uuidvalue}));


// This includes all tests for documents handler

describe('Test simple handler', () => {

    let sendSpy;


    // Test one-time setup and teardown, see more in

    beforeAll(() => {

        // Mock s3 methods


        sendSpy = jest.spyOn(Array.prototype, 'push');




    // Clean up mocks

    afterAll(() => {




     it('should simply return', async () => {

        const items =  {

            "Items": [


            "Count": 0,

            "ScannedCount": 0



        // Return the specified value whenever the spied function is called



        const event = {

            "httpMethod": "GET",

            "rawPath": "/documents",

            "requestContext": {





        // Invoke Lambda handler

        var foo = new Array("foo", "bar");

        const result = foo.push("echo");


        const expectedResult = {

            statusCode: 200,

            body: JSON.stringify(items),

            headers : {

                "Content-Type": "application/json"




        // Compare the result with the expected result





PASS  ./__tests__/unit/handlers/simple.test.js

  Test simple handler

    √ should simply return (1 ms)


Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total

Tests:       1 passed, 1 total

Snapshots:   0 total

Time:        0.279 s, estimated 1 s

Ran all test suites.


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