Monday, February 13, 2023


How to draw a graph image?

A simple way to do it is to use prebuilt libraries using algorithms like the Kamada-Kawai and Fructerman-Reingold layout algorithms

Sample implementation:

From igraph import *

g = Graph()

vertex_labels=[‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’, ‘E’]


attributes[“label”] = vertex_labels

g.add_vertices(5, **attributes).add_edges([(0, 1),

(1, 2),

(2, 3),

(3, 4),

(4, 0),

(2, 4),

(0, 3),

(4, 1)]

layout = g.layout(“kamada_kawai”)

plot(g, layout=layout)

If we control spacing ourselves to spread the edges with little or no crossing lines, we could anneal the costs of overlapping.

# The following program lays out a graph with little or no crossing lines.

from PIL import Image, ImageDraw

import math

import random


vertex = ['A','B','C','D','E']

links=[('A', 'B'),

('B', 'C'),

('C', 'D'),

('D', 'E'),

('E', 'A'),

('C', 'E'),

('A', 'D'),

('E', 'B')]



def randomoptimize(domain,costf):



    for i in range(1000):

        # Create a random solution

        r=[random.randint(domain[i][0],domain[i][1]) for i in range(len(domain))]

        # Get the cost


        # Compare it to the best one so far

        if cost<best:



    return r


def annealingoptimize(domain,costf,T=10000.0,cool=0.95,step=1):

    # Initialize the values randomly


         for i in range(len(domain))]


    while T>0.1:

        # Choose one of the indices


        # Choose a direction to change it


        # Create a new list with one of the values changed



        if vecb[i]<domain[i][0]: vecb[i]=domain[i][0]

        elif vecb[i]>domain[i][1]: vecb[i]=domain[i][1]


        # Calculate the current cost and the new cost




        # Is it better, or does it make the probability

        # cutoff?

        if (eb<ea or random.random( )<p):



        # Decrease the temperature


    return vec


def crosscount(v):

    # Convert the number list into a dictionary of person:(x,y)

    loc=dict([(vertex[i],(v[i*2],v[i*2+1])) for i in range(0,len(vertex))])



    # Loop through every pair of links

    for i in range(len(links)):

      for j in range(i+1,len(links)):


        # Get the locations






        # den==0 if the lines are parallel

        if den==0: continue


        # Otherwise ua and ub are the fraction of the

        # line where they cross




        # If the fraction is between 0 and 1 for both lines

        # then they cross each other

        if ua>0 and ua<1 and ub>0 and ub<1:



    for i in range(len(vertex)):

        for j in range(i+1,len(vertex)):

          # Get the locations of the two nodes



          # Find the distance between them


          # Penalize any nodes closer than 50 pixels

          if dist<50:


    return total


def drawnetwork(loc):

    #create the image

    img ='RGB', (400,400),(255,255,255))


    #create the position dict

    pos=dict([(vertex[i],(loc[i*2],loc[i*2+1])) for i in range(0, len(vertex))])

    #Draw Links

    for (a,b) in links:

        draw.line((pos[a],pos[b]), fill=(255,0,0))

    #Draw vertex

    for (n,p) in pos.items():

        draw.text(p,n,(0,0,0))'graph.jpg', 'JPEG')








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