Thursday, February 9, 2023

Massive Code Repositories, scalable builds and DevOps Processes hosted in the cloud.

 As enterprises and organizations survey their applications and assets to be moved to the cloud, one of the often-overlooked processes involve the entrenched and almost boutique build systems that they have invested in over the years. The public clouds advocate the use of cloud native DevOps pipeline and automations that work well for new repositories and small projects but when it comes to billion dollars plus revenue generating source code assets, the transition of build and deployment to cloud become surprisingly challenging.

New code projects and businesses can start out with a code repository in GitHub or GitHub Enterprise with files conforming to the 100MB limit and the repository sizes  conforming to the 5GB limit.  When we start clean, on the Cloud based DevOps, managing the inventory to retain only text in the source and move the binaries to an object storage is easy. When the enterprises have accrued massive repositories over time, even a copy operation becomes difficult to automate. What used to be robocopy on windows involving large payloads, must now involve a transfer over S3.

One of the first challenges in the movement of build and capacity planning infrastructure to the cloud is to prepare the migration. External dependencies and redundancies can cause these repositories to become very large, not to mention branches and versions. Using a package manager or their equivalents to separate out the dependencies into their packages can be helpful to their reusability. Bundler, Node’s package manager and Maven are testament to this effect. Object storage or Artifactory and their equivalents can store binary data and executables. Backup and restore can easily be added from Cloud Services when they are not configurable via the respective cloud services.

Another challenge is the proper mapping of infrastructure to handle such large processes involved in Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment. GitHub Enterprise can provide up to 32 cores and 50000 minutes/month for public repositories of sizes up to 50GB. The cloud, on the other hand, is limitless compute, storage and networking, all with the convenience of pay-as-you-go billing. If there is effective transformation of DevOps automations, both the infrastructure required and the automations they support become easier to host in the cloud. As with the first challenge, the ability to take stock of the inventory for infrastructure resources and automation logic becomes daunting. Consequently, some form of organization and nomenclature to divide up the inventory into sizeable chunks can help with the transformation and even parallelization

A third challenge involved is environmental provisioning and manual testing. Subscriptions, resource groups, regions and configurations proliferate in the cloud when such DevOps are transformed and migrated. These infrastructure and state become veritable assets to guard just the same way as the source that are delivered with the DevOps. From importing and exporting these infrastructure-as-a-code templates as well as their states and forming blueprints that can include policies and reconcile the state become a necessity. A proper organization and naming convention are needed for these as well.

Other miscellaneous challenges include but are not limited to forming best practices and centers of excellence, creating test data, providing manual deployments and overrides, ensuring suppliers, determining governance, integrating an architecture for tools say in the form of runbooks, manual releases, determination of telemetry, determining teams and managing accesses, supporting regulatory compliance, providing service virtualization, and  providing education for special skillsets. In addition, managing size and inconsistencies, maintaining the sanctity as a production grade system and providing an escalation path for feedback and garnering collaboration across a landscape of organizations and teams must be dealt with.

Finally, people, process and technology must come together in a planned and streamlined manner to make this happen. These provide a glimpse of the roadmap towards the migration of build and deployments to the cloud.

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