Tuesday, November 7, 2023


Applying MicrosoftML rxFastLinear algorithm:  


While rxLogisticRegression is a binary and multiclass classification that uses a regular regression model, the rxFastLinear algorithm is a fast linear model trainer based on the Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent method.  It combines the capabilities of logistic regressions and SVM algorithms. The dual problem is the dual ascent by maximizing the regression in the scalar convex functions adjusted by the regularization of vectors. It supports three types of loss functions - log loss, hinge loss, smoothed hinge loss. This is used for applications in Payment default prediction and Email Spam filtering.


This form of regression uses statistical measures, is highly flexible, takes any kind of input and supports different analytical tasks. This regression folds the effects of extreme values and evaluates several factors that affect a pair of outcomes.  Regression is very useful to calculate a linear relationship between a dependent and independent variable, and then use that relationship for prediction. Errors demonstrate elongated scatter plots in specific categories. Even when the errors come with different error details in the same category, they can be plotted with correlation. This technique is suitable for specific error categories from an account.   


Default detection rates can be boosted, and false positives can be reduced using real-time behavioral profiling as well as historical profiling. Big Data, commodity hardware and historical data going as far back as three years help with accuracy. This enables payment default detection to be almost as early as when it is committed. True real time processing implies stringent response times.


The algorithm for the least squares regression can be written as:   


1. Set the initial approximation    


2. For a set of successive increments or boosts each based on the preceding iterations, do   


3. Calculate the new residuals   


4. Find the line of search by aggregating and minimizing the residuals   


5. Perform the boost along the line of search   


6. Repeat 3,4,5 for each of 2.  


Conjugate gradient descent can be described with a given input matrix A, b, a starting value x, a number of iterations i-max and an error tolerance  epsilon < 1 in this way:


set I to 0        

set residual to b - Ax     

set search-direction to residual.    

And delta-new to the dot-product of residual-transposed.residual.    

Initialize delta-0 to delta-new    

while I < I-max and delta > epsilon^2 delta-0 do:     

    q = dot-product(A, search-direction)    

    alpha = delta-new / (search-direction-transposed. q)     

    x = x + alpha.search-direction    

    If I is divisible by 50     

        r = b - Ax     


        r = r - alpha.q     

    delta-old = delta-new    

    delta-new = dot-product(residual-transposed,residual)    

    Beta = delta-new/delta-old    

    Search-direction = residual + Beta. Search-direction    

    I = I + 1 


Sample application:  

#! /bin/python  
import numpy

import pandas

from microsoftml import rx_fast_linear, rx_predict

from revoscalepy.etl.RxDataStep import rx_data_step

from microsoftml.datasets.datasets import get_dataset


attitude = get_dataset("attitude")


import sklearn

if sklearn.__version__ < "0.18":

    from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split


    from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split


attitudedf = attitude.as_df()

data_train, data_test = train_test_split(attitudedf)


model = rx_fast_linear(

    formula="rating ~ complaints + privileges + learning + raises + critical + advance",




# RuntimeError: The type (RxTextData) for file is not supported.

score_ds = rx_predict(model, data=data_test,



# Print the first five rows

print(rx_data_step(score_ds, number_rows_read=5))


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