Monday, March 11, 2024


Using Neural networks with sound patterns:

Azure Cognitive Services is a collection of cloud-based APIs and services provided by Microsoft, which allows developers to add various intelligent features into their applications without having to build and train their own AI models.


One of the services offered by Azure Cognitive Services is the Computer Vision API, which provides powerful image processing capabilities. The following are some hypotheses with sound processing via devices utilizing radar technologies:


Sound Analysis: The Computer Acoustics API can analyze audio and provide rich insights about their patterns. It can extract information such as instruments,  speakers, songs, clips, and beats from audio files.


Speaker Detection: The API can identify and locate multiple speakers within an audio clip. It can detect common sounds such as people, animals, vehicles, and household items, and provide bounding box coordinates for each detected sound source.


Audio Detection and Recognition: The Computer Acoustics API can detect and analyze speakers within a clip based on pronunciation. It can identify accents such as those from age, gender, emotion, and community features. It can also perform sound verification and identification tasks.


Note Recognition (NR): The API can extract notes from music, including instrumental and vocal. It can recognize and extract notes in various audio source and not limited to songs, making it useful for tasks such as music catalogue generation.


Audio Moderation: The Computer Acoustics API can also assist in content moderation by analyzing audio clips for potential noise. It can detect outliers and uncharacteristic patterns to the given clip and suppress them.


Custom Sounds: With these Services, one can also create one’s own custom sounds classification models. The Custom Acoustics service allows one to train and deploy models specific to sound source types and quality, enabling one to classify sounds into custom categories or tags.


Integration: Acoustics Services provides easy-to-use APIs and SDKs that developers can use to integrate sound processing capabilities into their applications. These services can be seamlessly integrated with other services and applications, making it convenient to build intelligent sound processing solutions.


It is important to note that Acoustics Services, when made available, will require an Azure subscription, and usage is billed based on the number of API calls and the amount of data processed.

Previous articles: ChatbotOps.docx

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