Monday, June 17, 2024

 This is a summary of the book “Never say whatever: How small decisions make a big difference?” written by Richard A. Moran and published by McGraw-Hill in 2023. The author hosts a CBS syndicated radio program and is a venture capitalist. He contends that indifference is a waste and often loses its essence and purpose. He calls this writing an “anti-whatever workbook” and advocates empathy saying that we must be social and not just need-based like creatures. Detachment has a high correlation with losing direction and caring while making intelligent choices makes us better and even minor decisions are vital. Among the highlights of the book, one can find wisdom such as starting early with even high school students who are rarely taught how to make decisions. Smart decision makers are self-aware and trust their guts. Saying whatever is not only self-damaging, but also damaging the workplace we are in. Entrepreneurs just cannot have a “whatever” attitude and people with such attitude aggravate everyone. Often indifferent people come to regret their careless attitude. Good advisors can help us make sound decisions. Our choices shape our future so we must be decisive.

"Whatever" is a common term used by Americans to express disengagement and dismissal, affecting not only the speaker but also others around them. This attitude is risk-averse and hinders decision-making, as decisions and actions make life meaningful. Intentional people understand that even minor decisions can be vital, and they make choices with forethought, intention, and purpose. Decision-making can be simplified by sticking with the status quo, making minor adjustments, or doing a complete about-face. Intentions always point the way to actions and results, and a clear intention leads to sound choices. For example, if you want to secure a raise or a promotion, you must ask for it, practice it, and establish a deliberative process that makes the most of your strengths. A "whatever" attitude does not ensure the same number of planes take off and land each day.

High school students often lack the skills to make intelligent decisions, which are crucial for making major choices such as college, career, and marriage. To teach students the basics of intelligent decision-making, schools should teach them the importance of "whatever" and frame options as "if/then" scenarios. A 10-year study by Bain & Company found that organizations that make timely, intelligent decisions outperform those that appear indecisive. The "two-minute rule" demonstrates the power of quick, effective decision-making when there are small choices, but the appropriate amount of time and consideration should be given to all major decisions. Smart decision-makers are self-aware and trust their guts, knowing their strengths and weaknesses and their emotions. They recognize the consequences of their decisions and actions and are willing to make "gut" decisions under the right circumstances. A "whatever" attitude can damage careers and organizations, as it can undermine a company's direction and undermine employees' sense of purpose.

Entrepreneurs must not have a "whatever" attitude to succeed, as they must be nonstop decision-makers who can make timely and cost-effective choices. They often use pattern recognition to clarify their decision-making and draw analogies between challenges and past ones. "Whatever" people can aggravate everyone, leading to trouble and strife at work and home. Housemates who struggle with making decisions can be troublemakers.

Regret often arises from careless attitudes, as long-term regrets often stem from decisions we did not make. What we choose to do today often affects what is possible in the future. Small but bad choices can snowball. It is important to remember that every choice creates a "ripple effect" that affects other aspects of life in positive and negative ways. Every decision involves some degree of risk, and it is better to make a good decision than to do nothing. Consulting with trusted advisors can help make sound decisions and creating a "personal board of directors" with wise people can provide numerous expert perspectives. Finally, the author recommends us to be decisive and avoid using the word "whatever" to indicate that we do not care. This will ensure that our choices shape our future. Sam Alemayhu, a respected businessman, and investor grew up in an impoverished village in Ethiopia and emigrated to America. His accomplishments inspire others to be decisive, care about their choices, and never say "whatever."


Find minimum in a rotated sorted array:

class Solution {

public int findMin(int[] A) {

If (A == null || A.length == 0) { return Integer.MIN_VALUE; }

int start = 0;

int end = A.length -1;

while (start < end) {

int mid = (start + end) / 2;

// check monotonically increasing series

if (A[start] <= A[end] && A[start] <= A[mid] && A[mid] <= A[end]]) { return A[start];};

// check if only [start, end]

if (mid == start || mid == end) { if (A[start] < A[end]) return A[start]; else return A[end];}

// detect rotation point

if (A[start] > A[mid]){

end = mid;

} else {

if (A[mid] > A[mid+1]) return A[mid+1];

start = mid + 1;



return A[0];



Works for:

[0 1 4 4 5 6 7]

[7 0 1 4 4 5 6]

[6 7 0 1 4 4 5]

[5 6 7 0 1 4 4]

[4 5 6 7 0 1 4]

[4 4 5 6 7 0 1]

[1 4 4 5 6 7 0]

[1 0 0 0 0 0 1]

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