Saturday, April 23, 2022


Improving queries part 7 

This is a continuation of the best practice in writing Kusto queries as introduced here.  

and continued with the log queries for Analytics such as with Azure Monitor Logs. While the part 5 and 6 recognized optimizations and best practices, this discusses the management aspects of Kusto queries.

Kusto databases and clusters pose similar challenges to administration and management as traditional databases. This section enumerates some of the commands available to Database Admins and Monitors that explore usage, track operations and investigate ingestion failures.

The .show queries returns a list of queries that have reached a final state.  This is available to users who are not administrators as well, but they can only see the queries that they have launched.

The .show running queries command returns a list of currently executing queries. This can show queries invoked by all users.

The .cancel query command starts a best effort attempt to cancel a specific running query. A reason phrase can be optionally specified.

The .show commands lists the admin commands that have reached a final state. These commands are available to query for 30 days. The listing includes cpu usage as well as resource utilization for all completed commands.

The .show commands-and-queries combines the information for both commands and queries.

The .show journal displays the history of metadata operations. The metadata operations can result from a control command that a user executed, or the system invoked. These have consistent and well formatted data with very few variations between versions. Metadata changes are stored specific to databases on the cluster.

The .show database <databaseName> journal command returns journal for the specific database.

The .show operations displays administrative operations both running and completed, since Admin node was last elected.

The .show operations command returns a table with all administrative operations which were executed in the last two weeks. It displays both running and completed operations. It may be run in two modes. The first mode is the log mode in which all entries in the logs that the user has access to are returned. The second mode is the Latest update mode the last update for each operation ID provided by the user is returned. The first mode is used when the operation ID is not available, and the second mode is used when the operation ID is available.

The .show failed ingestion failures returns a result set that shows failure specific to the data ingestion control commands and encountered by the Kusto data engine.

Ingestion metrics and diagnostic logs included errors that are encountered outside of the database engine.

Frequently some of these queries are executed together for specific diagnostics and troubleshooting cases. They have not been compiled into a published dscript-like library because they change hands or are lost in silos.  A sample collection of these libraries from forensics could pave the way for onboarding any new team.


Reference: Sample queries 





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