Sunday, April 24, 2022

 Improving queries part 8 

This is a continuation of the best practice in writing Kusto queries as introduced here.    

and continued with the log queries for Analytics such as with Azure Monitor Logs. While parts 5, 6, and 7 recognized optimizations, best practices, and the management aspects of Kusto queries, this discusses expressions that come useful in log queries that span across workspaces and apps. Such queries give a system-wide view of the data. 

When the data is stored in multiple workspaces and apps, the log queries can either specify the workspace and app details or they can use resource-context queries and the query in the context of a specific resource. It is important to remember that the limits of a hundred resources and workspaces apply to a single query. Workspaces can be referred to by their resource name, qualified name, workspace ID, and Azure Resource ID 

The app() expression is used to refer to a Workspace-based application insights resource and is used to retrieve data from a specific application in the same resource group, another resource group, or another subscription. An App can show all the requests it has received as well as heartbeats. 

The workspace() expression is used to refer to a workspace in the same resource group, another resource group,  or another subscription. Read access to the workspace is required. 

The resource() expression is used in the Azure Monitor query() scoped to a resource to retrieve data from other resources. The URL path for the resource from the Azure Portal can be used to refer to the resource and the same holds for the resource group. Read access to the resource is required and multiple resources can be queried. 


The Application Insights and Log Analytics workspace schema differences show between their properties. UserId, AppId, and name will be found in both.  

Availability count, type, duration, message, run location, id, name, and timestamp in Log Analytics have a corresponding itemCount, duration, message, location, id, name, and timestamp in Application insights, resource properties. Browser, city, client, and country pertaining to the client are prefixed by the ‘client_’ in the Application Insights resource properties. Custom events count, dimensions and name also have an equivalent property without referring to by the ‘custom’ prefix. The device model and device type are available as client_model and client_type. Exception count, HandledAt, Message, and Type have equivalent in the latter. operation and OperationName are similarly named. Pageview count, duration, and name have their pageview prefix dropped. Similarly, Request count, duration, id, name, and success have their prefix dropped. The role, RoleInstance, and SessionID are also similar. SessionId, source system, telemetry type, URL, and user accountID also have underscored equivalents. 


Azure Monitor supports cross-service queries between Azure Data Explorer, Application Insights, and Log Analytics. This enables a Kusto cluster and database to be available to Log Analytics/Application Insights tools and refers to it in a cross-service query.  The .show functions, .show function {functionName} and .show database {DatabaseName} schema as JSON commands are all supported with cross-service queries. This is a really powerful feature because it brings external data sources directly into the tool.  


Reference: Sample queries   








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