Saturday, July 27, 2013

API Explorer for Starbucks and a Graph API implementation

Starbucks API are OAuth enabled. This means that they don't just grant access based on api keys but require an access token that is provided by an OAuth Provider. Starbucks APIs are available from Mashery that provides a redirect to Starbucks Authorization endpoint and this is where API users get their access token. OAuth enables one of four different workflows to get access tokens.
Implicit Grant - such as when a mobile application tries to get an access token from the authorization endpoint based on client id and user id.
Authorization Code grant - such as when a user login to an IIS hosted site and the user's browser is redirected to the Starbucks' authorization endpoint to get a one time short lived authorization code. The client can then exchange the code for an access token.
Credentials Grant - such as when a user provides his or her username and password for a token.
Client Credentials Grant - such as when an application from a secured kiosk or site provides context regardless of the user.
In building an explorer for Starbucks API, we will need to get an access token to make the API calls. Since this application that we call the API explorer enables API users to try out the different APIs based on input parameters and responses, we will choose either the client credentials grant or the implicit grant to retrieve an access token at push button demand. Both XML and JSON responses can be displayed in the text area panel of the API explorer. This is conceived to be very similar to the Graph API Explorer from Facebook.

Another application of Starbucks API could be a deeper integration with the FaceBook's location data. For example Starbucks customers would like to know which of their friends from FaceBook frequented the same Starbucks store the same day as the one they are at currently. Starbucks mobile application today maintains card history and rewards on their application. If they could push FaceBook location updates on purchases that they track with their mobile application at the store that they visit, then Facebook friends could see where each other have been on a given day. This could encourage more sales at the Starbucks store as friends try to catch up with each other and at the very least provides useful knowledge to the Starbucks coffee customer of who else has been doing the same at this store. Additionally Starbucks mobile application need not take the user to their Facebook page to view or post this data, but offer a tip or balloon notification of which of the application user's friends had been at this store and when, if any. Such tips are non-invasive, information only and enables the coffee experience to be an avenue for social networking.  Interested users could be taken to a map that displays not just the stores but the Facebook friends that have visited that store in the past day, week or month.

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