Monday, July 29, 2013

The advantage of using Geography data types for the REST based location services is that the URI can continue to remain the same for the customer. The latitude and longitude is anyways represented in a well-known text format that is described by the Open Geospatial Consortium.
For example,
DECLARE @g geography;
SET @g = geography::STPointFromText('POINT(-122.34900 47.65100)', 4326);
SELECT @g.ToString();
Internally these WKTs are translated to Geography data type instances and stored like regular columns along with the attributes of the location.
They are queried using functions based on the geography data types. The functions could be based on distance between two points or their membership to a polygon such as one representing a zip.
They invoke corresponding static methods on the geography data type such as for example STDistance()
DECLARE @g geography;
DECLARE @h geography;
SET @g = geography::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING(-122.360 47.656, -122.343 47.656)', 4326);
SET @h = geography::STGeomFromText('POINT(-122.34900 47.65100)', 4326);
SELECT @g.STDistance(@h);
or find all intersection points with a polygon such as follows
DECLARE @Seattle geography = 'POLYGON(....)'; 
SELECT c.customerid FROM customer c WHERE c.geog.STIntersects(@Seattle.STBuffer(10 * 1609.344));
In either case the we can retrieve the points that are found in the vicinity of a location of interest.
By changing the column data type, we may have to handle all dependencies on the earlier data type. If location data was used for any index creation or used in conjunction with other tables or database objects, they would need to be modified to use the geography data type.  In general, this should not be a problem since pretty much all the semantic operations performed on the co-ordinates are supported by the geography data type.
Also, one more thing to point out is that the geography column does not need an index creation. In fact, this might be a good opportunity to refactor all references to the geography column and limit their usage only to the database objects that support querying by the user.
Finally, database unit-tests (DUT) must be authored before the changes are made so that we can keep the same behaviour before and after we make the changes. These DUTs could include specific use case scenarios, as well as column scanning to see if any of the conversions failed, or relative distances between select points are maintained with the modified column type.

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