Saturday, June 21, 2014

In today's post we take a short break to discuss spatial and temporal control for  a storage management. First we discuss spatial control. In terms of access to and from disk, sequential access is ten to hundred times faster than random access and more. Disk density has been doubling. Also bandwidth increases as the square root of density. As a result storage managers often organize large data in a way that it can be accessed sequentially. In fact database management systems exercised full control on how the database are partitioned on disk.
The best way for a storage manager such as a DBMS to do that is to lay it out on the disk itself and avoid the file system. This works especially well when raw disk device addresses correspond to physical proximity. But avoiding the file system has the following drawbacks. First it requires attention by a DBA and resource usage such as an entire disk partition. Second raw disk access is often OS specific and introduces portability concerns Third logical file managers such as RAID and SAN have become popular. Due to the presence of these interceptors to raw disk addresses that virtualize these, alternatives have to be considered. For example, we can create a very large file on disk and manage offsets. This is facilitated by the file system and also by virtualized storage managers.This improves performance to the point where the degradation in using a single file on a commercially large system was found to be about 6%
We now look at temporal buffering which is about when the data gets written and not about where the data gets written. If the DBMS wants to control when to write, it can get harder with OS implementing buffering mechanisms. Some of the challenges include the difficulty in guaranteeing ACID transaction promise because the transaction manager cannot guarantee atomic recovery on software and hardware failures without explicitly controlling the timing and ordering of disk writes. For example, the writes to the log device must precede corresponding write to the database device such as with the writeahead logging protocol. The second set of concerns with OS Buffering is about performance as opposed to correctness. The file system wants to read ahead speculatively and write behind with delayed batch writes which are poorly suited for a storage manager. A DBMS for instance can predict the IO decisions based on future read requests such as when reading ahead to scan the leaves of the B+ tree. Similarly when writing we could control say when we flush the log tail by making decisions about the locks or IO throughput. Finally, there may be double buffering and CPU overhead of memory copies. Copies degrade performance by contributing to latency, consuming CPU cycles and potentially flooding the CPU.
Courtesy: Paper by Hamilton, Krishnamoorthy et al.

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