Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Today we continue discussing the best practice from storage engineering:

574) If the range of sequences can be limited to a window, the user and application can take on much of the processing relieving the compute requirements from storage. Such intensive scripts can run anywhere the user wants as long as the data is available.

575) If logic pertains specifically to some data and applicable only to that data, it is possible to register logic and load a runtime to execute that logic specific to data just as it is possible to externalize query processing over an iterative data set.

576) There are several containers for logic usually packaged as modules and they can be invoke by a common runtime. However, at its simplest form, this logic is merely a set of rules.

577) The rules are scoped to the artifacts they secure. For system wide resources, there is only a singleton. For user resources, they can be dynamically fetched and executed as long as they are registered.

578) This export of logic is very helpful in
overcoming the limitations of static
configuration and reload of service.
Regardless of the need for a runtime to execute the logic,
even listenable config values can help with changes to rules.

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