Thursday, March 21, 2019

Today we continue discussing the best practice from storage engineering

600) As with any product, a storage product also qualifies for the Specific-measureable-attainable-realistic-timely aka SMART process where improvements can be measured and the feedback used to improve the process and the product.

601) As with each and every process, there is some onus but the rewards generally outweigh the costs when it is reasoned and accepted by all. The six sigma process for example sets a high bar for quality because it eliminates errors progressively.

602) The iterations for six sigma were high so it takes longer and the results are not always available in the interim. The agile development processes allowed results to be incremental.

603) The agile methodology improved the iterations over the features in such a way that it did not impact the rest of the product. This enables faster feature development

604) The continuous integration and continuous deployment model made the individual feature improvements available for use because the changes were build, tested and deployed in lock step with development.

605) Together with the process to make improvements one change at a time and to have it build tested and deployed gives great benefit to the overall product.

606) We use data structures to keep the information we want to access in a convenient form. When this is persisted, it mitigates faults in the processing. However each such artifact brings in additional chores and maintenance. On the other hand, it is cheaper to execute the logic and the logic can be versioned. Therefore when there is a trade-off between compute and storage fo

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