Thursday, March 28, 2019

Today we continue discussing the best practice from storage engineering :

633) The state of an object is authoritative. If it weren’t the source of truth, the entries itself cannot be relied on without involving validation logic across entries. There is no probllem performing validations but doing them over and over again not only introduces delays but can be avoided altogether with clean state.

634) The states are also representative and unique. The entries are not supposed to be in two or more states at once. It is true that bitmask can be used to denote conjunctive status but a forward only discrete singular state is preferable.

635) The attributes in an entry are often added on a case by case basis since it is expedient to add a new attribute without affecting others. However, the accessors of the entry should not proliferate the attributes. If the normalization of the attribute can serve more than one accessor, it will provide consistency across accesses.

636) Background tasks may be run or canceled. Frequently these tasks need to be canceled. If they don’t do proper cleanup, they can leave their results in bad state. The shutdown helps release the resources properly

637) The list of background tasks may need to include and exclude the tasks as they appear or disappear. This is in addition to start and stop on each task. If the start and registration are combined, the stop and deregistration must also be combined.

638) As tasks appear and disappear, it is sometimes too tedious to perform all the chores for each task. In such cases, we merely difference the new tasks and add them to the list. This prevents the cleanup on each job as they are left. A large-scale global shutdown may suffice later.

639) If there are multiple registrations that need to be kept in sync, they get harder to maintain. It is easier if the lists can be combined or there is a one to one mapping between the lists

640) Failed tasks may require new tasks to be added in which case, it is better to find the failed tasks as separate from the otherwise new tasks.

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