Friday, May 3, 2019

Algorithms used for creating the keys are called digital signature algorithms. There are two kinds of encryption algorithms - RSA and ECDSA. In both cases, a message signed with the public key can only be opened with the help of the corresponding private key. RSA has historically been more popular with ECDSA gaining support only recently. They are usually compared in terms of bits to denote their security level. Bits is the number of steps taken before an attacker can compromise the security. A 2048-bit RSA public key has a security level of 112 bits. ECDSA needs only 224-bit sized public keys to provide the same security level which provides efficiency for storage. Signing and verification of the signature constitute the two most costly steps performed. The input size plays into this cost for embedded devices. 

Kubernetes takes keys, certificates, keystores and truststores as secrets. For example, we can specify: 
kubectl create secret tls ${CERT_NAME} --key ${KEY_FILE} --cert ${CERT_FILE} 

An ingress controller controls the traffic into the Kubernetes cluster. Typically, this is done with the help of nginx. An Ingress-nginx controller can be configured to use the certificate. 

Nginx provides the option to specify a –default-ssl-certificate.  The default certificate is used as a catch-all for all traffic in the server. Nginx also provides a –enable-ssl-passthrough feature This bypasses the nginx and the controller instead pipes it forward and backward between the client and backend. If the virtual domain cannot be resolved, it passes to the default backend. 

Strict transport requirement on nginx enforces a redirect for all http traffic to https. Certificate management is necessary for this purpose. What used to be kube-lego and is now cert-manager automatically renews expired certificates. 

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