Monday, May 27, 2019

The following is a continuation of the summary of some of the core concepts of Kubernetes.

Namespaces seclude names of resources. They can even be nested within one another. They provide a means to divide resources between multiple users.

Most Kubernetes resources such as pods, services, replication, controllers, and others are in some namespaces. However, low level resources such as nodes and persistent volumes are not in any namespace.

Kubernetes control plane communication is bidirectional between the cluster to its master and vice-versa. The master hosts an apiserver that is configured to listen for remote connections. The apiserver reaches out to the kubelets to fetch logs, attach to running pods, and provide the port-forwarding functionality. The apiserver manages nodes, pods and services.

Kubernetes has cluster level logging. This stores all of the container logs and sends it to a central log store. The centralized store is then easy to search or browse via an interface. Common kubectl commands are also included. The name of the log file is log-file.log and it goes through rotations. The “kubectl logs” command uses this log file

The System components do not always run in the container.  So, in the cases where the systemd is available, the logs are written to the journald. The node-level logging agent runs on each node. The sidecar container streams to stdout but picks up logs from an application counter using a logging agent.

Logs can also be directly written from the application to a backend log store.

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