Thursday, May 30, 2019

Kubernetes is a container framework and we were discussing emerging trends with application development.

Storage is a layer best left outside the application logic. The applications continue to streamline their business while the storage provides best practice. When the storage layer is managed, it’s appeal grows. For applications that use the container framework, the storage is generally network accessible . There tasks such as storage virtualization, replication and maintenance can be converged into a layer external from the application and reachable over the network.
Storage is not the only layer. The container framework benefits from its own platform as a service. Plugins that perform routines such as monitoring, healing, auditing, can all be delegated to plugins that can be shipped out of the box from the container framework. Then these bundles can be different sized.
Kubernetes itself is very helpful for applications of all sizes. These plugins are merely add-ons.
Kubernetes can scale up or down the number of pods an instance supports.  Functionality such as load-balancing,  api gatekeeper, nginx controller and others are important to the applications. These routines are therefore provided out of box from the Kubernetes framework. The only observation here is that this is a constant feedback cycle. The feedback from the applications improves the offerings from the host.
An example of the above cycle can be seen with the help of operator sdk. Originally, the operators were meant to make it easy for applications to be deployed. While there are several tools to facilitate this, Kubernetes proposed the deployment via operators. While applications started out with one operator, today applications tend to write more than one operator. It is a recognition of this fact, that Kubernetes now has new features to support operator dedicated to metrics. These metrics operator are new even for the operator-sdk which as a tool enabled boilerplate code to be generated for most applications

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