Sunday, July 7, 2019

We continue with the essay on comparison of Kubernetes with platform as a service framework. PaaS may be called out as being restrictive to applications, dictating choice of application frameworks, restricting supported language runtimes and distinguishing apps from services. Kubernetes, on the other hand, aims to support an extremely diverse variety of workloads. As long as the application has been compiled to run in a container, it will work with Kubernetes. PaaS provides databases, message bus, cluster storage systems but those can run on Kubernetes. There is also no click to deploy service marketplace. Kubernetes does not build user code or deploy it. However it facilitates CI workflows to run on it.
We also have integration with Open-stack for linux containers. The plugin allows the hosts to be compute nodes while the container takes on the workloads from the user.
The IaaS offerings from public cloud storage services include disks and files where as the PaaS offerings from public cloud storage services include objects, tables and queues. The storage offerings are built on a unified distributed storage system with guarantees for durability, encryption at Rest, strongly consistent replication, fault tolerance and auto load balancing.  The IaaS is made up of storage arrays, virtual machines and networking. The PaaS is made up of existing frameworks, web and mobile, microservices and serverless compute.
PaaS  provides Application Gateway which can manage backend with rich diagnostics including access and performance logs, VM scale set support and custom health probes.
The Web Application Firewall security protects applications from web based intrusions and is built using ModSecurity and CoreRule set. It is highly available and fully managed.

Native Containers are small and fast. They have two characteristics. First the containers are isolated from each other and from the host in that they even have their own file system. which makes it portable across cloud and os distributions. Second the immutable container images can be created at build/release time rather than the deployment time of the application since each application doesn't need to be composed with the rest of the application stack nor tied to the production infrastructure environment. Kubernetes extends this idea of app+container all the way where the host can be nodes of a cluster. Kubernetes evolved as an industry effort from the native Linux containers support of the operating system.  It can be considered as a step towards a truly container centric development environment. Containers decouple applications from infrastructure which separates dev from ops. Containers demonstrate

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