Sunday, July 21, 2019

We were enumerating security pod context policies yesterday. These include the following:
1) a privileged - determines if any container in a pod can be allowed access to devices on the host. A privileged container gives access to all devices on the host.
2) hostPID/hostIPC - controls whether the pod containers can share the host Process ID and IPC namespaces which makes it accessible from outside the container.
3) hostNetwork/hostPort - controls whether the pod may share the node network namespace and have access to the loopback device, listening on localhost or snooping on network activity.
4) allowed HostPaths - specifies a whitelist of host paths where a pathPrefix allows host paths to begin with that prefix only and a readOnly field to indicate no write access.
5) allowed flexVolume - specifies a whitelist of flexvolume drivers when the volume is a flexvolume type. A flexvolume allows vendor specific operations to third party storage backend providers
6) fsGroup - allows groups on volumes with the runAs directive to specify fsGroup ID.
7) readOnlyRootFileSystem - specifies the container to run with no writeable layer.
8) runAsUser and runAsGroup - specifies which user id or group the containers are run with. a non-root enforces least privilege policy
9) Privilege escalation - these options allow the privilege escalation container option.
10) Capabilities - specify linux  'capabilities' which are per thread attributes to specify the permissions available in categories under privileged accounts. A whitelist of capabilities are specified with this list.
11) SELinux - short form for Security Enhanced Linux provides support for the enforcement of different access control policies. Directives using RunAs specify different seLinuxOptions
12) AllowedProcMountType - specifies a whitelist of proc mount types. Most container runtimes mask certain paths in /proc to avoid divulging special devices or information
13) apparmor and seccomp - are annotations for profiles that the containers can run with.
14) forbiddensysctls excludes specific sysctls which can be a combination of safe and unsafe syctls.

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