Wednesday, October 9, 2019

This is a continuation of the previous post to enumerate funny software engineering practice

90) Build a product that scales out to high workload but with more faults than before.
91) Build a product that is oblivious to market needs as the release cycle grows to years
92) Build a product that trades-off compute in favor of storage but leaves the onus of moving data to users
93) Build a product that trades-off storage for compute but never get exercised in routine activities
94) Build a product that requires proprietary protocol, format or content and have the ecosystem scratch their heads for integration
95) Build a product that does not work well with others because it does not provide a bridge or a connector
96) Build a product that is eager to monopolize the market rather than leaving space for better solutions to thrive without sacrificing the competence of the product.
97) Build a product that is measured by its revenue rather than the mindshare.
98) Build a product without embracing developers with attractive software developer kits or community editions
99) Build a product without embracing enticing developers with easy install lite editions for their developmental work
100) Build a product that does not allow a forum for ideas to be exchanged about the project and find that the home-grown ideas are not appealing enough.
101) Build a product that leaves out the details of the use cases which the customers would find most relevant to their needs and find out afterwards how much cost it would have saved.
102) Build a product that does not explain what it cannot do but keep finding that they try it  anyway. .
103) Build a product with little or no support for administrators to configure against inappropriate usages.
104) Build a product that produces more power brokers than users.
105) Build a product that reimagines functionality tantalizing new users at the cost of habitual old users.
106) Build a product that styles the user interface so drastically it looks designer rather than commercial.
107) Build a product with translated text in local languages that reads funny.
108) Build a product that doesn’t take into consideration of reading right to left in certain regional languages.
109) Build a product that improves the quality but cuts down the features at crunch time
110) Build a product that starts to sound discrepant in the ads as releases slip.

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