Sunday, December 8, 2019

Flink Applications brings the best of historical data processing to time-series data since it follows a streaming model. This applies even to metrics not just logs. There can even be better monitoring and alerting mechanisms applied to streams given the datastream Apis of Flink. The Table Apis and SQL abstraction of Flink provides even more convenience to users and these can support the use of existing reporting mechanisms. SQL has been the language of queries and tables have been the means of storage for a while. The existing solutions, stacks and technology built on top of these existing queries hold a lot of business value. As long as they do not get regressions and can leverage the additional benefits of stream processing which was not possible earlier, they will get even more acceptance.
Let us now take a few examples of historical data processing with Flink APIs:
Please note that the historical data uses the notion of Event time which is the time at which the records were processed.  The stream processing might make use of a different timestamp which is the referred to as the processing time. This is the time of the local clock on the host where the stream is processed. An hourly processing time window will include all records from that hour as determined by the system clock. The processing time does not require coordination between streams and machines. Therefore it has the best performance and lowest latency but is prone to delays and outages. This is mitigated by the use of Event timestamps which are global in nature and work even in distributed systems with completely consistent and deterministic results.
The time characteristic can be set before the evaluation of queries:
final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
Once we instantiate the stream from a data source, we can then execute a query:
    .keyBy( (event) -> event.getUser() )
    .reduce( (a, b) -> a.add(b) )
Watermarks is the mechanism in Flink to measure progress in event time. They are simply inlined with the events. As a processor advances its timestamp, it introduces a watermark for the downstream operators to process. In the case of distributed systems where an operator might get inputs from more than one streams, the watermark on the outgoing stream is determined from the minimum of the watermarks from the invoking streams. As the input streams update their event times, so does the operator. 

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