Tuesday, December 10, 2019

We were discussing that Flink Applications support historical data processing with the help of timestamps on entries. There can be three different types of timestamps corresponding to

: processing time, event time and ingestion time.

Out of these only the event time guarantees completely consistent and deterministic results. All three processing types can be set on the StreamExecutionEnvironment prior to the execution of queries.

Event time also support watermarks

Watermarks is the mechanism in Flink to measure progress in event time. They are simply inlined with the events. As a processor advances its timestamp, it introduces a watermark for the downstream operators to process. In the case of distributed systems where an operator might get inputs from more than one streams, the watermark on the outgoing stream is determined from the minimum of the watermarks from the invoking streams. As the input streams update their event times, so does the operator.


    .keyBy( (event) -> event.getUser() )


    .reduce( (a, b) -> a.add(b) )


Watermarks is the mechanism in Flink to measure progress in event time. They are simply inlined with the events. As a processor advances its timestamp, it introduces a watermark for the downstream operators to process. In the case of distributed systems where an operator might get inputs from more than one streams, the watermark on the outgoing stream is determined from the minimum of the watermarks from the invoking streams. As the input streams update their event times, so does the operator.
When watermarking and timestamps are assigned, the source timestamps and watermarks are ignored. The assigner overrides and overwrites the timestamps and watermarks in the source. It is easy for the assignee to assign timestamps as well as watermarks since they go hand in hand. The timestamps and assignees can directly be added to the source which just use the collectWithTimestamp method on the source Context. Similarly the emitWatermark is used to generate watermarks.
Watermarks have an interesting side effect in Flink. If the event is processed as ‘failing’, it is not in failed state. A failed state is a terminal state and consequently not restarted in processing. However, a failing event can  be resubmitted and this causes the event to re enter the failing state endlessly.

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