Friday, December 6, 2019

Signing files using private key
Signing is the process by which a digital signature is created from the file contents. The signature proves
that there was no tampering with the contents of the file. The signing itself does not need to encrypt the
file contents to generate the signature. In some cases, a detached signature may be stored as a separate
file. Others may choose to include the digital signature along with the set of files as an archive.
There are other processes as well that can help with checking the integrity of files. These include
hashing of files, generating a checksum and others. Signing differs from those methods in that it uses a
private-public key pair to compute the digital signature. The private key is used to sign a file while the
public key is used to verify the signature. The public key can be published with the signature or it can be
made available in ways that are well-known to the recipients of the signed files.
The process of signing can take any form of encryption methods. The stronger the encryption the better
the signature and lesser the chances that the file could have been tampered. The process of signing
varies across operating system.
Popular linux family hosts often use the ‘gpg’ tool to sign and verify the files. This tool even generates
the key-pair with which to sign the files. The resulting signature is in the Pretty Good Privacy protocol
format and stored as a file with extension .asc. Publishing the public key along with the detached
signature is a common practice for many distributions of code.
Microsoft uses separate tools for making the key-certificate pair and the generation of the signature.
The signer tool used by this company packs the payload into an altogether new file. The signature is part
of the new file and can function just like an archive. The same algorithm and strength can also be used
with the signer tool as it was with the gpg tool.
The use of certificates is popular because they can be shared easily and have no liability. The recipient
uses the certificate to verify the signature.
These are some of the means for signing and its use is widespread across use cases such as code
commits, blockchain and digital rights management.

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