Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Network engineering continued ...

This is a continuation of the earlier posts starting with this one:

    1. Application optimization is probably the only layer that truly remains with the user even in a full-service stack using a storage product. Scaling, availability, backup, patches, install, host maintenance, rack maintenance do remain with the storage provider. 

    1. The use of http headers, attributes, protocol specific syntax and semantics, REST conventions, OAuth and other such standards are well-known and covered in their respective RFCs on the net. Content-Delivery-Network can be provisioned straight from the object storage. Application optimization is about using both judiciously 

    1. An out of box service which facilitates an administrator defined rules for enabling the type of optimizations to perform.  Moreover, rules need not be written in the form of declarative configuration. They can be dynamic in the form of a module.  

    1. The Application Optimization also acts as a gateway when appropriate. Any implementation of gateway must maintain a registry of destination addresses. As http access enabled objects proliferate with their geo-replications, this registry becomes granular at the object level while enabling rules to determine the site from which they need to be accessed. Finally, they gather statistics in terms of access and metrics which come very useful for understanding the http accesses of specific content within the object storage. 

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